c3 marketing

construction marketing experts

The problem with blogs...

So, I've recently been given a hard time about not keeping the blog up to date. That's the problem with being the best construction marketing consultancy in the universe - we're so in-demand that we struggle to find time for ourselves . Is that a good enough excuse?

Of course it isn't. It's OK for us - construction marketing, the way we do it, is a bit of a niche. We don't rely on the blog to generate leads or engage with potential customers so in many ways it is my own personal indulgence - a soap-box, if you like. But what if your business is all about breaking into new markets, reaching out to new customers, letting them know what you can do to help them and the values that espouse the way you work? Obviously, a blog then takes on more importance - it has the potential to engage with clients whilst you are sleeping (or taking a bath, or whatever) in an almost personal way. The very best blogs are interesting and informative, share ideas and spark the interest of the reader; if you're a business, your blog should make potential customers want to know more about who you are and what you can do for them. The worst ones - we've all seen them - claim to do all of the above but end up saying nothing. Sounds easy?

Lots of businesses find blog-writing is just one more thing to fit into a busy schedule of lead-chasing, networking, tendering, relationship-building, intelligence-gathering… you get my point. So, how to solve the problem?

Obvious, really - speak to a marketing consultancy about writing on your behalf. I know a great one, they specialise in construction…I saw one of their excellent blog posts once; now, if only I could recall the name…